Welcome to my digital garden: The Flowerbed. A multi layered and sporadically growing hedgemaze of musings and curiosities.

If you’ve never heard of a digital garden before, check out this page for links to articles and resources.

This is not going to be a orderly and finely maintained wiki, far from it. This is going to be a constantly shifting and changing place, with some paths being pristine and lovingly polished, and others being covered in cobwebs and dust. Despite my best intentions, the information therein will always be somewhere within the spectrum of correct and incorrect. If there is anything glaringly wrong, please email me at mail@bluerose.garden and I will address it as soon as I can.

Now go forth and explore some of the winding paths that lay before you. Use the graph at the bottom of the page as your map, and the back links to discover alternate paths and little tucked away corners that pocket this place.

Here are some starting paths:

Path Forks