A place for me to just talk off the cuff about my personal goals and plans.

Winter Break 2023

  • Draw! Daily!
  • Learn Typescript
    • I already know a lot of Javascript!
  • Learn Processing and do some creative coding
  • Make EXEdeus
    • Will be made with Godot
    • A PWA app with most (if not all) local running
    • I’ve already started a bit on it, but I need to workout the command parsing
    • The goal is to create a good system for AFK dungeon delving, similar to how it’s done in Logging Quest for use in faemon eventually.
  • Restart learning Japanese
  • Read more!!
  • Play Games!!
  • Get my custom markdown blog setup
  • Exercise
    • Improve endurance, I need to do research on it and find a good method to do so.
    • Wait until treadmill is installed?
  • Meditate
  • Organize my Obsidian Vault
    • Remove unused plugins
    • Decide on organizing structure
      • I need a system that both works with my ADHD and still makes it easier to find things long-term
      • Excalibrain?
      • Johnny Decimal didn’t work out before, and I ended up spending more time trying to organize before just writing down files. Maybe only implement this for folders and not files? And only for long-term storage
      • Also use tags!! Tags are important. Also links!!
        • But what to tag and what to just put in folders? Maybe little to no folders?
      • LATCH method sounds nice maybe.
      • A.C.C.E.S.S. method.
    • Delete & Consolidate useless notes
    • Pull everything out of old vault and into new vault