After spending way too much time I figured out how to create triangles with tikz like the following!

triangles-001 1.svg

  • Install MikTex and Texstudio

  • Navigate to Texstudio’s folder and open up the texstudio.ini

  • Add the following line under the [texmaker] block

    • Tools\Commands\dvi2svg-no-fonts="txs:///latex | dvisvgm --no-fonts --page=1- --output=3p %.dvi"
    • Use this to embed (web safe) fonts instead of paths: Tools\Commands\dvi2svg="txs:///latex | dvisvgm --font-format=woff --page=1- --output=3p %.dvi"
  • Now open up texstudio and create a .tex file with the property standalone

    • \documentclass[12pt, tikz, border=5mm]{standalone} at the top of the file
  • Now go to ToolsUserdvi2svg

  • Now open the folder with your .tex file and you’ll find your .svg file!

  • I further went in and edited the width and height to be 500px since its tiny by default

The latex code for this triangle:

\documentclass[12pt, tikz, border=5mm]{standalone}  
\usepackage{siunitx, xcolor}  
	\draw   (0,0) coordinate[label=below:] (C) --    
	(4,0) node[midway,below] {opposite line} coordinate[label=below:] (B) --    
	(0,4) node[midway,above, sloped] {hypotenuse line} coordinate[label=above:POV Angle] (A) -- cycle node[below,midway,sloped] {adjacent line};    
	\draw (0,4) (0,.4)-|(.4,0);    

I also made a python script to automatically resize the SVGs (must be placed in the same folder as your latex files):

import glob, os  
cur_dir = os.getcwd()  
files = glob.glob(cur_dir+"/*.svg")  
for filename in files:  
    content = ""  
    with open(filename) as file:  
        lines = file.readlines()  
        impLine = lines[2].split(" ")  
        impLine[4] = "width='500px'"  
        impLine[5] = "height='500px'"  
        fixedLine = " ".join(impLine)  
        lines[2] = fixedLine    
        content = "".join(lines)  
    file = open(filename, "w")  
print("embiggening svgs done!")  

and finally a .bat file to run everything all at once!

latex.exe -src -interaction=nonstopmode "triangles".tex  
dvisvgm --no-fonts --page=1- --output=3p triangles.dvi  